Promotional Items We are clearing out some of our older inventory to make way for new artwork. Save big for a limited time! Artwork Promotional Items Limited Editions Promotional ItemsDAVID LANGMEAD - DELTA TRAFFICGiclee19 X 35$3,129.00DL19539 Promotional ItemsJUDY DY'ANS - NIGHT AMOURPrint30 X 24$2,800.00JD17446 Promotional ItemsJUDY DY'ANS - OCEAN SONATAPrint30 X 40$3,200.00JD11202 Promotional ItemsMARC ESTEVE - POOLS OF LIGHT 4/50Oil on canvas23 X 23$2,199.00ME19666 SOLDPromotional ItemsMICHAEL GERRY - GARDENIASGiclee30 X 36$850.00MG27819 Promotional ItemsMICHAEL GERRY - PEONY PASSIONPrints$1,600.00MG04318 Promotional ItemsMICHAEL GERRY - PURPLE IRIS$1,900.00MG08564 Promotional ItemsMICHAEL GERRY - SPRING BLOSSOM30 X 40$1,000.00MG27818 Promotional ItemsMICHAEL GERRY - STRING OF PEARLSPrints24 X 33$1,600.00MG01982 Promotional ItemsMICHAEL GERRY - STRING OF PEARLSPrints24 X 33$1,599.00MG01907